This is a daily freestyle blog in all things creative and creatively lived.
Entirely written by Tamar Pelzig (aka moi), who is - not a fan of labels, but if she had to -
An Actress, A Voice-Over Artist, Writer, Jewelry Designer, Crafter, Maker, Artist, Knitter, Cat Person, A pretty good Cook, Woman, a Ginger, Pilates Enthusiast, A RollerBlader, A Skier, A non-practicing Jew, An Israeli of European Decent, An Immigrant, A Reader, Gamer, Puzzler, Hiker, A Brat, A Fierce Hard Worker, A Rebel, Mensch, Hippie, A Wide Eyed Dreamer, An Intellectual Thinker, A Nerd, A Clown, A Drama Queen, A Human.